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"hmm. still it seems like saying Wiki needs to be patched to support IE8 is akin to saying that the government needs to redesign the roads to support your rocket-powered unicycle, and defective roads are clearly the reason why you fell off said unicycle on the freeway... :)"

- Scott S. (3L)

argument over brokenness in IE8 and our wiki
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  Plans for Eagles Crag | History of the Crag | Blog | Mastodon
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So yeah, probably should have let everyone know about this a while ago, but the blog basically moved. The old content is still around (I have copies of it). But if you want to keep up with what I'm doing, take a look at http://warthog9.dreamwidth.org as that's where I intend to blog for the time being.

At some point I'll get around to just including the content here through some magic server side mungery, but meh. It's late and I'm tired ;-)

- John 'Warthog9' Hawley